Monday, November 02, 2015

Nordic Track Basic Maintenance - Ski Glide Buttons

My second hand Nordic Track Skier was in reasonable working order, but it did have a couple of niggles.

One was the condition of the skis, they had definitely been well used. The ski glide buttons were either a) worn or b) missing. They may not be essential, but they do help prevent the skis rubbing along the side of the 'tracks'

Missing ski glide button

You can buy replacement ski glide buttons online. Mine came from who provided very quick and helpful service.

What do you need? Replacement ski glide buttons (obviously), something to pick out the old buttons such as a micro screwdriver, and something to tap in the new buttons. In this kind of situation a mallet is preferable to a hammer.

First you pick out the old buttons, taking care not to damage the surrounding area. This was surprisingly easy to be honest.

Here you can see the difference between the worn one bumper and a new one.

Then you align the bumper over the empty slot and gently tap it in.

Keep tapping along the bumper until it is evenly inserted.

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