Length: 3.5 km (one way)
Surface: Tarmac throughout, some sections smoother than others.
Elevation change: Less than 10m
Parking: Parrswood cinema complex has parking. There is not much parking near to the Pyramid.
Services: There is a pub (The Gateway) and several chain restaurants at Parrswood. There are no easily accesible services at the Pyramid
Public Transport : You can use the tram to East Didsbury, and access the path either from B5095 Manchester Road (#1 on the map - https://www.google.com/maps/@53.4057153,-2.2186392,3a,75y,57.14h,97.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sT8VW-n1Cey7s5VmQXVVz5w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) or by taking the tunnel under Didsbury Road towards Stockport, at the trail junction take the right hand turn to cross through Green Pastures estate (finish flag on the map) and down a wooded path taking you alongside the school playing fields. Buses 142, 42 and 50 also go from city center to Parrs Wood.
Route Description
In general, the route is tarmac path, minimum 1.5 meters wide. It is quite heavily used by dog walkers, cyclists, runners (it's part of the Burnage park run route on Saturday mornings), so to get any good flow going you should aim early in the day. Some sections of the path are lit, but there is a large section without any lights.
It's a pleasant, mostly riverside trail.
Points 1 -> 2
The first part of trail has very smooth tarmac but it also has the most overhanging trees, so there can be a lot of leaves and twigs. There is a bike gate half way along this section, but this is passable without clipping out. After the bike gate the tarmac changes texture, but is still pleasant to rollerski on and your pole tips do grip.
Points 2 -> 3
On the way to point 2 there is a bend and an uphill section. Be cautious of this in both directions - on the way up someone may not see you and hurtle down hill at you.. going the other way you might be doing the hurtling! If you're uncertain, clip out, it's better than ending up in the river as the fence doesn't look too strong.
A more steady downhill leads you to a road section that is the access road for Vale Farm. There is generally very little car traffic on this part of the road so you do not necessarily need to clip out. The section alongside Vale Farm's horse fields is not lit, you don't get street lights back until the river crossing to Edgeley. At the trail split, continue straight under the M60. The path gently heads upwards.
Points 3 -> 4
Just before the junction for Kings Reach industrial estate there is a section of pavement that has been damaged by tree roots. Some parts of these could be large enough to 'beach' a rollerski.
Continue along the path, past the new office buildings. The final tricky bit of trail is just before the end, where it dips down , turns to the left and then climbs to the information board. It can be hazardous as people are travelling quickly in both directions and the corner can hide this.
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