Monday, November 18, 2013

Neuroma surgery recovery - weeks 0 - 3

I'm not lucky with my feet. For a start they are quite hobbity in shape and don't look good in sandals. They are size 3.5 which is a difficult shoe size to buy. 5 years ago I had ganglion cysts on my left foot that were causing quite a bit of pain as they would press on a nerve when I wore shoes. The recovery from this surgery took a long time and while the end result was good it was a tough time.

Over the past 2 years I started getting pain in my right foot. It would start just under the ball of my foot, but if aggravated would 'pulse' to the big toe. I did notice a small swelling and so was referred to Mr Dalal who said it was likely to be fibroma, and probably would need to be excised under local anasthetic.  When the swelling went down, I basically chickened out of the surgery and enjoyed a summer of ice skating, short walks and horseriding rather than surgery and rehabilitation.

However, the whilst the visible swelling was gone, I still had the pain, so I returned to Mr Dalal and was booked for surgery on 4 October. The surgery was performed under general anesthetic and Mr Dalal said he removed some 'fatty tissue' but would not know further until the biopsy results. I felt a little deflated at this - if it was fatty tissue could it have gone away by itself? Was all this for nothing?

I was discharged the next day with a Darco Orthowedge to help me to weight bear on my heel, protecting the incision on the sole of my foot, crutches and instructions on how to travel up and down stairs, with a little phrase 'Follow me to heaven, lead me to hell' which translates as going upwards you lead with your good foot, going downstairs you lead with your bad. My foot was heavily bandaged which meant I had to get showers by taping a plastic bag over my foot (if you have small feet, the large bags in Lakeland pick a bags are great for this).

The pain was not too bad, I took ibuprofen regularly and kept my foot elevated where possible. I found this quite difficult when I was sleeping, it felt very strange keeping my foot on a cushion and I kept waking up all tangled up in sheets and cushions. I was signed off work for 3 weeks, and I was not cleared to drive, and frankly it would have been impossible due to all the bandages on my foot.

I only wore the shoe when I was going to get up off the bed. If I left the shoe on for extended periods it started to feel uncomfortable.

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