Friday, February 12, 2010

Nokia - Economical with the truth

There has been a lot of buzz about Nokia making their navigation free forever.

However, it isn't that simple, unless you are on the short list of phones that support Ovi Maps 3.0.3, you don't get the free navigation at all. This means if you have a smartphone such as the E71 you don't get the free navigation, and there are some rumours that you cannot buy new navigation licenses.

Next time, no nokia for me.


French Fancy... said...

hello, I saw you had popped in - how are you doing?

I'm back on the sparkly thread these days too - it's good to see all those familiar names


Kitty said...


It's good to see you back too :-) I'm good, still fighting a losing battle with my weight and fitness, constantly stressed at work. You know, the usual!

I'm still doing some OU stuff, gave up on Spanish as the Level 2 course was beyond me, so I'm just faffing around doing Classics at the minute.